Friday, August 31, 2012


Trying not to let one hour of overtime completely infuriate me and ruin my evening. This Friday we got 2 hours off work - awesome! Was happy & looking forward to it. Then about 10 mins before I was going to leave, a "rush" order came in.

Bssixusjsjsh*€\€]!!:$.$..&-827/7:)€$/&'ak@$$28:7!!€|€*|^,^€\bxjejsjsujsjsnsbbsbsshjs. !!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ahhhhhhh !!!!!!!!!!!!

Everyone else left and I stayed late 1.5 hour to finish it. On the scheme of things, relatively small sacrifice I know - but it's the fucking principle!!!!!!

The guy causing the overtime offered to stay until I was done to help or answer questions. Then he kept coming in asking for status updates. Then he asked if I had his cell and could just call if I needed anything because he wanted to run some errands before an appointment he had.

Argh!!!!!!!!! The unbelievable rage!!!!! There is no emoticon for what I'm feeling right now!!!!!!!!


I finish the rush order, send a polite email it is complete and would appreciate if they do not to do it again and leave.

Driving home and feelings ranging between fuming rage and tears of sadness. Also I am on my period. Ya! Uh huh.

I also text my rage while driving - also not customary or normal but I needed to vent. I'm venting now, still. OMFG!!!!!! I cannot keep it in. It's like a volcano of rage. Arghhhhhhh!


I'm going to go rage some more, maybe eat or get a happy meal, drink & try NOT to let one hour of overtime cause 4 hours of anger. *arghhhhhhh. *sigh.

I need a hug and some chocolate, toys, sushi and a puppy. Ya. A puppy would be nice right now. And some tissues.


Thursday, August 30, 2012

IF interview: Meg Hunt

Repost from another blog. 

Meg Hunt

"This business is not easy, for a billion different reasons. But I think the thing that has really gotten me through a lot of tough times is understanding that bad patches come and go, but you survive and get better by working through them and realizing they're just blips in your career that can actually strengthen you. The more you avoid it the harder it gets, and it's best to just be flexible and roll with the punches."

Read Illustration Friday's excellent interview with Meg Hunt.

{Image: Meg Hunt}

Wednesday, August 29, 2012


Last week we had creativity training at work and the highlight was we had to draw with crayons. I got ridiculously excited an enjoyed it way too much. The trainer gave me the crayons for my enthusiasm and I was ecstatic.

Today friend had a rough day so at lunch we went to McDonalds & got kids meals. I haven't got a kids meal in maybe 10 years or more. I was so excited to get a new bracelet. So cool. I wore it all day & plan to wear it tomorrow too and maybe forever.

In my childish enthusiasm I realized & remembered how important it is to play, be childish and to instill as much fun in your life as possible. We're listening & watching more comedy & also doing my best to keep things light. In that spirit I went to party city today. Tomorrow is a department lunch & I decided to get party favors & toys for my team, because hey why not? I picked up some cute fun stuff that might entertain people, and candy, but also found these really fun medals (like photo). So I wrote a thank you card to each person & gave them a medal. They have all sorts of different sayings on them such as Super, Great Job, Way to Go or Hugs Are Fun, so it's fun and random. I got some Yo Gabba Gabba & Sesame Street themed medals. I kept one that says "Razzle Dazzle" and gave husband the "I Love You" :)

Keep it kooky people!

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Boob Tube

Watched The Artist movie silent film last night. Wow, long and drags but innovative and daring for trying it. Halfway through the movie we watched it on the slow fast forward & it was better. They sort of beat the dead horse over and over and over with the theme. I admire the movie stuff that went into making it. I wouldn't ever watch again and wasn't blown away or super impressed. Mainly bored and it felt long and formulaic. Hero is loved, has downfall, falls for girl, girl rescues him, he has pride & comes to terms, climax of drama, all is well. I guess not so formulaic. Just too long & we get it - it's a modern silent film. Eh. Give me Die Hard.

Though the more I think about The Artist, the more I'm appreciating it. There's this one cool part, my favorite where the new girl is dissing the older silent movies and she says "make way for the young and new", as in the talkies. The Artist is visibly upset, gets up, gestures & says " go ahead, we've made way for you" sort of really cool what happened there. Sorry if you're reading this & it's not making much sense. I'm trying to blog more too.

Anyway - Tonight I watched Gossip Girl for the first time while husband drafted for fantasy football. Surprisingly deliciously junky and addictive. A bit too much soap opera for me but I like the scenery, clothes and scenes of NY. I think I'm just attracted to NY shows. Just finished watching 3 seasons of White Collar on Netflix. I should try to watch Sex & the City.

I just want to move there sometimes and think I would fit right in, eating out all the time, in the city walking or public transit everywhere. I did love living in HK - Hong Kong.

My ramblings for the day. Apologies or I hope you enjoyed.

Monday, August 27, 2012

A case of the Mondays

Like I said, I haven't been feeling well lately, and I'm almost running over with my vacation time (first time ever), so I had today off, and it was quite magical.

Started off with Yoga Meditation, suggested by husband :) There's a place called Yoga Nook across the street that I got some classes for. The meditation class was free and really quite lovely. It felt like therapy. The lady was super nice and asked how I liked the class. I said it was great but it's like I feel like my life is super toxic sometimes, and going to meditation is like being in rehab, it's great while I'm there, but as soon as I'm in the real world again I feel like I need help sticking to my positive-ness and good healthy lifestyle. Anyway I'll go to those classes when I can, they help.

Then I went to Yoga 1&2 next class which I used my card for. It was beginner/intermediate and the teacher was a bit apprehensive I couldn't keep up (I was too). Luckily I did and I did well so it was good. Went home, didn't think I was tired but I totally was and knocked out for about an hour nap. Then had lunch, watched some comedy as I need lighter stuff in my life. Then cleaned bathroom & kitchen, waited for husband, and had a nice evening stroll, walked to Chi-Chi's a local Italian place, date night, and walked home. We had a really nice walk and chat. I felt like myself and I feel like I'm smiling again and unwound for the first time in a long time.

Date night was fun. Sometimes waiters don't realize when you need refills so I did this tonight and will continue to do it from now on :)

Now I'm sitting outside on the balcony, in front of my garden and my solar string lights, and loving this view and this feeling. Blogging, saying hello to everyone, and letting people in.

Oh - Congrats on your trip planning A! I've been reading your stuff and pins and sounds super exciting. I know you'll have a blast!

And L - MISS YOU! We need to go to Yoga together! Support your local Yoga Nook and we should do girls night and do Yoga.

And Thank You husband for an unexpectedly romantic and goofy evening.

Live in the now, breath deep, and carry this feeling into the next few days. Labor Day weekend is action packed with wedding/engagement/birthday stuff, and I pray this week at work is good.

Sunday, August 26, 2012


Hello again. It's been a long long while. I couldn't sleep again, as I haven't been able to many many nights. Work stress getting to me again.

I've been trying all sorts of new and old things, to get me out of my funk. Prayed a bit but haven't been to church regularly, but last time I went something miraculous happened so I'll try again tomorrow. I've also signed up for a few yoga classes. Been eating horribly unhealthy lately. I started a sewing hobby spending way too much at Joann's and trying at beginner stuff which has made me happy. Still, my spirits get low and I'm feeling my body and soul feeling sick.

This evening I thought of writing. Maybe it was the Lord of the Rings extended behind the scenes DVD I watched, I think it was. The idea that someone could make a living as an artist moving from project to project and living to share their gifts to the world, without selfish or practical thoughts such as owning and preventing copies to your work or having something full time and steady. Who says anything is truly steady anyway. Who says art shouldn't be shared, copied or collaborated on.

I don't post a lot of my photography or art online for fear of copying. Yet this also prevents from recognition, collaboration or that sense of art is not owned but shared and doesn't really belong to you anyway. Life and art should be shared, not hoarded. It's there to inspire and create a catharsis as someone I know would say.

I think to keep my soul alight, my fire burning, I have to write and learn to share myself and my art with the world.  I thought of starting a new blog called "The Pursuit of Happiness" with me trying for that stuff, instead I'll just continue what I have here. It's weird but whenever things are rough I tend to turn all hermit, going inside myself trying to protect myself and figure it out - my turtle phases. I think I'm supposed to learn how to not do that. I'm guessing?

So that's that. I may be super thoughtful & write diligently for a few months, than disappear again. Maybe that's all I need, this seasonal change. Just trying to make it through.

It's already helping, this writing stuff. Where have you been writer K? Nice to feel like you again.