Thursday, September 29, 2011
Monday, September 12, 2011
Thursday, September 8, 2011
A lot of my songs I discover while listening to the Coffehouse station on Yahoo Radio.
Brighter than the sun - Colbie Caillat - this one so cute/fun!
Man of the Hour – Norah Jones
Do you love me – Guster
My Own Sinking Ship – Good Old War
Little Lies – Dave Barnes
Hey Mama - Matt Keamey
Faster - Matt Nathanson
Thursday, September 1, 2011
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Friday, July 29, 2011
Death of a Bookstore
Goodnight and good luck Borders. Thanks for the memories.
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Thursday, July 14, 2011
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Windows... to my soul!
Husband appreciation blog!
Hitler rants about Carmageddon
Check out this video on YouTube:
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
First of all...
Another stuff my mom says post! Is it sad that every time I see her I want to post about something she said that was pretty much awesome?
I Want! Macbook Air 11 or iPad?
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
Coffee Shirt
Monday, July 4, 2011
Happy 4th Mom!
Friday, July 1, 2011
A cars post.
On our drive, saw a ridiculously tall black SUV with massive tires, that mad me laugh so hard when I saw it. How much is he compensating, really? LOL! Check out the photo!
Went to Toys R Us. Got myself two cute cars & a DeLorean. :)
Vroom! :)
Sunday, June 26, 2011
11th Sunday
Weight = 142lbs! I lost 2 more pounds!
Stuff Mom Says
Saturday, June 25, 2011
The Magic Man
My husband the magician! Husband appreciation blog!
Friday, June 24, 2011
Exit Through the Gift Shop
It's about street art and the artists. I have a new respect for their message and their work. Its about personal expression and art for the people for the sake of art. It's also about the popularity, success and inevitable results of this. I thought the title was fitting and the twist if the story, tale and statement or message was worthy.
Share your art and stay true to it.
Hungry Hippos
"it's Hawaiian shirt day!"
"Can you hear me now?!"
"Han shot first"
The possibilities....
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Cause you gotta make a choice: when to do something, and when to let it go
Sometimes I really like quotes, posting movies and others I've read. I should probably start posting them more often, my favorites. Anyway this is one I came across this morning. Was having a rough/not good morning where I felt I needed a re-start or at least, everything felt like it was going wrong. Then I saw this, and felt better. The longer version is below, but it's from The Limey, a movie I've never heard of. We have a movie guy at work who likes to post movie quotes. Thanks movie guy :)
'Cause what I thought I wanted wasn't what I wanted. What I thought I was thinkin' about was something else. I didn't give a toss. It didn't matter, see?.... It meant sod-all in the end, 'cause you gotta make a choice: when to do something, and when to let it go. When it matters, and when it don't. Bide your time.
The Limey 1999
How you doin' then? All right, are you? Now look, squire, you're the guv'nor here, I can see that. I'm in your manor now. So there's no need to get your knickers in a twist. Whatever this bollocks is that's going down between you and that slag Valentine, it's got nothing to do with me. I couldn't care less. Alright, mate? Let me explain. When I was in prison - second time - uh, no, telling a lie, third stretch, yeah, third, third - there was this screw what really had it in for me, and that geezer was top of my list. Two years after I got sprung, I sees him in Arnold Park. He's sittin' on a bench feedin' bloody pigeons. There was no-one about, I could've gone up behind him and snapped his fuckin' neck, *wallop!* But I left it. I could've knobbled him, but I didn't. 'Cause what I thought I wanted wasn't what I wanted. What I thought I was thinkin' about was something else. I didn't give a toss. It didn't matter, see? This berk on the bench wasn't worth my time. It meant sod-all in the end, 'cause you gotta make a choice: when to do something, and when to let it go. When it matters, and when it don't. Bide your time. That's what prison teaches you, if nothing else. Bide your time, and everything becomes clear, and you can act accordingly.
Sunday, June 19, 2011
10th Sunday
One pound! I lost one pound!
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Exercise Fortunes
I've been struggling with losing weight with various diet tracking and attempts at exercise. Although I'm proud to say I've woken up early Monday & Tuesday to do quick morning workouts. Monday did a 40 min walk & today some stairs & weights. It's not exactly running yet, but at least it's something.
I got the fortune while eating only half if my veggie/tofu lunch from Pick Up Stix. Pretty tasty. Go me!
Will keep the fortune taped up somewhere as a regular reminder.
Sunday, June 12, 2011
Filler Up - Love Tank
Yesterday we drove all over town in my car. Today without me asking or knowing, he took my car to the gas station, using my preferred gas station, to get a filler up, because he knew I'm not the best at keeping track of my tank & I'd have to use it tomorrow. I tend to run late but also I don't pay attention to the tank. He's just thoughtful and thinks ahead.
Also, another reason for this blog, if you've ever read "The 5 Love Languages" book, I want to keep our marriage love tank full. I recommend the book for all couples. It's a pretty short & easy read, with a good message.
Thank you husband! For being thoughtful & considerate!
9th Sunday
Weight today, 145 lbs. *Sigh. It's annoying at this point. It's one pound more since my last weight-in. *ugh.
Husband's birthday was this week so a lot of eating out and celebrating. We went to Fogo de Chao yesterday for a meat and salad buffet. It was a ton of food and I was as good as possible but we did end up eating a lot. A bit hard to help it. Best part was the fat on their special. Oh favorites were the banana and mushroom. The polenta was great too. I actually said no to a lot of food and stopped myself from eating more.
Yesterday we also had a baby shower with lots of snacks. Before that we ate at Jolibee and a Dimsum place for brunch. That was just yesterday. A few days before that we had The Counter. Today was a big family brunch. I was as good as possible but hard not to over-indulge.
Not to be sunny optimistic, but actually, I weighed myself right after eating the big family brunch and lunch. Looking back and thinking back, I actually think overall, I am doing well comparatively. Only one pound over, and IF that if it varies a pound or two depending on the time of day, I might actually be doing good.
Anyway, I'll keep up the good fight. It' just pretty annoying that it feels like I can't make any progress. Although, truthfully the fact I didn't gain more weight is probably good with everything going on. I have to face that there will always be an occasion or temptation around every single corner every single day. Must keep to the middle path and not overindulge. Also must remember I will gain for whatever I do eat.
It's been uber stressful at work, it's that time of the month, I just started school again and I haven't had much time to exercise. How to fit it all in? *sigh. How am I going to achieve my goals?
Anyway, I think it's time for some serious solutions. I'm going to wake up early every weekday this week and work out in the mornings. I haven't touched my gym membership and it really needs to start earning it's monthly fees. Morning workouts are the only way i'll fit it in - 5:30? I think it will also help with stress relief. I'm sick of this non-progress. Every time I want to sleep in, I'll just think of growing fatter slowly and slowly, or getting thinner, slowly and slowly. Or worst, I'll think of staying the same and never really improving. I really need to ease into it because my calf pain from my strain still flares up, and I don't want to re-injure myself. Ok so one hour in the mornings every weekday - I think I can handle that. Even if I just stay home because of the monthly, I'm sure I can get some stretches or some metabolism burning. Plus maybe some "me" time will be a good way to start off the day. Add some exercises to myfitnesspal, since I don't do any really.
OK, well I have to share. Below is a picture of all the delicious food we had this weekend. I think part of developing a healthy relationship with food/exercise is respecting food and having reverence for it. At least it occurred to me and it could all be BS but I'd like to learn something from this at least. That one pound, it was probably in part due to the below.
Fogo de Chao - dishes. *salivating.
The special at Fogo de Chao. The fat was the tastiest part.
Jolibee hotdog! And pancit and fried chicken.
Shomai and Pork Spareribs with rice.
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
Sad realization
More motivation to keep me in check. Today I woke up early to do some light exercises before work, but I felt pain & strain on my right calf - former injury. I stretched it as much as i could & changed my workout because of it. I was more strength training vs cardio.
Must remember to take it easy & not go too hard, otherwise prone to injury & halting of exercise.
Anyway this slow & steady turtle pace is frustrating but probably better in the long run. I hope the diet tracker myfitnesspal is really helping. If anything it's making me uber conscious of what I eat.
Anyway, back to work.
Sunday, June 5, 2011
8th Sunday
So, review of the past 2 months, wow already?
So I think I've stayed the same with my weight, but my overall habits are improving I believe. I am making healthier choices overall. With menus I choose the healthier options. In shopping and eating I am consistently being "good". I don't eat as much crap, although I still do eat junk food I can't help it. The "crap" food isn't satisfying as usual, but at least I realize it and work towards healthier snacks and sides.
Bad news is my exercise is probably remiss. It's just been too busy with everything. I haven't done any gym time and we haven't gone biking or done anything active in the past 2 weeks. So now that my diet is under some control with the myfitnesspal and overall healthier mindset, I really need to focus on workouts. Although with school starting and life in the way, I'm at a loss for realistic options.
I think it might be good to start off small with the workout frequency. TWO times a week at the gym will be a good start. How i'm going to fit that in I don't know. I was debating doing early morning workouts, so I might do Tues/Thurs mornings at the gym. Maybe one morning workout and one weekend workout? That's probably a realistic reasonable and achievable goal. I'll also work on 15 mins a day walking on work breaks or lunch, and around the neighborhood.
Weekend activity? I love being lazy and I literally spent all day Sunday in my PJs on the couch. Part of my Sunday laziness was also due to a headache, but still it didn't last all day. I thought about adding a weekend workout but will try to keep goals achievable and keep it to the two above for now. That's all I'm going to try for and will recap next week. The exercise is the thing that needs work. The food has been good so far, despite the occasional fried food binges. The workouts are ambitious but a bit realistic and I'll give it a shot.
Overall I believe I've been progressing well, but I haven't weighed myself in awhile in fear of discouragement. Oh well. I've got plenty of stuff to work on and balance. Next week for sure - weight check-in.
Sunday, May 29, 2011
7th Sunday
Sunday, May 22, 2011
6th Sunday
Sunday, May 15, 2011
5th Sunday
So, another Sunday checking-in.
First off, am feeling good, almost great. I ate pretty well this week. The 5 servings a day had me focused on eating more healthy stuff. Although I wasn't always healthy, it's an easier focus for me to eat more good than to cut out bad. Naturally by eating more good we naturally margin out the bad.
I weighed myself on Sunday morning and was a bit sad I was 144lbs. Then I thought about it and said "eh, F it". I was doing really well for myself despite the weight. It was nice to not have the weight be the final issue, even in my heart/mind. I still felt really good about myself for all the good work I was doing. I have really been eating healthier and really been more active, even if marginally. I've been feeling better too overall, and for the first time I feel like the journey is more important than the destination so I'm sticking happily to it.
This week, nothing new to try. I'll give myself a week to continue my good eating habits, exercise when I can, slowly and stretching lots, and we'll reassess next week. I find planning helps me in my eating well and exercise, in order to have time for it or be mentally prepared to do things. I also think that since we have family gatherings coming up, and I survived mother's day eating healthy, I can do it with the family stuff too. Gotta keep the "more healthy" stuff in mind, and just keep at it and not give up.
More things regarding a healthy lifestyle. Been reading a lot and I find this exercises my brain and makes me a more interesting and lively person. Read 3 books this week which I will rate and comment on later. We've also been fixing up the house which feels really good in taking care of things that need taking care of. Been weeding stuff out too, which is also healthy in not hanging on to things we don't use. Put some pictures in frames, replaced light bulbs, have other home projects in mind and am feeling very healthy these days. Another weird thing is we wake up naturally early at like 7am on weekends, so it feels like we have more time and longer weekends which is fabulous. We get started on home projects and personal stuff earlier in the day, and it's nice. All this free time off school has helped me re balance and get working on things I didn't have time for before.
Til next time, cheerio!
Friday, May 6, 2011
4th Sunday
Start of week 4. Ok so the whole "strengthening exercises" daily and eating slowly, didn't really work. I definitely failed doing that for week 3. I ended up just eating more and the "strength" exercise didn't really motivate me. I also ended up overthinking the gaining weight thing, and ended up eating more. This week was a wash.
Inevitably I eat more when I start worrying about health and I end up gaining weight. Instead of focusing on NOT eating things, I'm going to refocus on eating good stuff. Forget the 70/30 rule. I'm going for 5 servings of fruits or veggies a day.
Good news is - I've been drinking my water regularly and I am very comfortable with my standing desk. I still get tired and rest, but I am more fidgety and want to stand if I sit too long.
War Dogs
Intense interest surrounds dog who may have participated in bin Laden raid
Monday, May 2, 2011
Adventures in LA
Some items suggested by the LA Times article on 11 micro-itineraries to explore the San Fernando Valley
Eat at Burbank Bob's Big Boy, explore North Hollywood and check out the Warner Brother's Studio Tour. Just a few things I need to check-off the list.
Downtown LA Art Walk
On average the 2nd Thursday of every month, it's a chance to walk about downtown LA, see some art, hang out with friends and eat out. Actually someone told me it feels like a real urban downtown city with everyone walking around.
Skirball Cultural Center Museum
The Houdini & Magician's Exhibit going on until September which we should really check out.
Noah's Ark exhibit which sounded really interesting last time I heard about it and looks like a fun and cute kid's thing.
According to the website, this brings together the best of LA's mega hip and tasty Food Trucks, over 200 of the hottest local artists as well as live music and much more.
Union Station Event Dates:
Sunday, May 1st 11am-5pm
Sunday, June 5th 11am-5pm
Sunday, July 3rd 11am-5pm
Sunday, August 7th 11am-5pm
Sunday, September 4th 11am-5pm
Walt Disney Concert Hall
I want to take a free tour of the place and just check it out finally.
Autry Museum
I hear it's a good place to go, so I want to check it out sometime.
Little Ethiopia
I had no idea this was even here, but drove by it on the way to a birthday party. Apparently the food is supposed to be amazing. It looked like a cute little street to walk around or spend an evening, so we'll try it sometime.
The Getty Villa
Haven't been to the Villa since I was a kid and it was the original location of The Getty. I want to check it out and I remember liking it more than the new Getty which we've visited many times.
Yup, never been and really need to go. Get cultured! Supposedly there's a Tim Burton exhibit coming up end of May to October. That sounds awesome.
La Brea Tar Pits
I think I probably went here as a kid but don't remember a thing. Or maybe I'm confusing memories with movies, but I don't remember this place and would like to visit.
Griffith Observatory and Griffith Park
Haven't seen the Observatory since it reopened. As a kid I got a bit bored by the observatory but might appreciate the park and such now that I'm older.
Hollywood Forever Cemetery and Movies at the Cemetery
The insanity. Watching a movie in a cemetery - how fun! Plus seeing Hollywood Forever cemetery would be interesting too.
Taking the Metro in LA
Park at a station and explore LA via Metro subway. Might need an experienced tour guide for that (hint hint) but it's something we've been wanting to try for awhile.
Da Vinci Museum in Hollywood
Apparently, there's a temporary exhibit of Da Vinci's work in Hollywood. Pretty cool! Only until end of 2011 so we should go this year sometime.
Food Places
A few places I've heard great things about that I really should try while here in LA.
Duke's Malibu - Hawaiian and beach food.
Spago's - Wolfgang Puck's famous starter restaurant.
Neptune's Net - I have been here, just never had the fresh seafood which I want to try.
Fogo de Chao - Something the husband suggested that looks yummy and worth a try. Brazillian meat and sides buffet.
Honorable Mention
This is a really cool website. In my research on Little Ethiopia I found a ton of stuff on here. There was an article on "Hidden Gen Neighborhoods" and first area on the list was Eagle Rock! I grew up there and it was just a little low-end town, but has become very hip and cool lately. I'll have to explore the hidden gems, as well as check this website regularly. There are various itineraries, lists of free things to do and upcoming events. This is definitely to add to my regular bookmarks to check for things to do in LA.
This is already a ton of stuff, just in LA area vicinity that I have NOT done yet. We're pretty adventurous and have already done a ton, yet the list seems to keep growing. I thought about adding a Catalina Island visit but that's for another blog post. Perhaps "California to-do" list to add Yosemite, Carmel and other places. I plan on adding to this list regularly. Anyway this is what it is for starters. I'm always up for suggestions and field trips, so share if you have a fun/cool thing in LA that people should check out!
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Double Rainbow1 year ago
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