In our car, we saw someone pull the emergency cord. They dropped their cellphone outside the tram. They couldn't get out to get it but the guide said someone would pick it up & have it for them at the end of the ride. As we rode away I watched the phone almost get run over by the tram. Interesting and odd.
Then the ride got annoying. The emergency cord was pulled twice after that because someone had to go to the bathroom, really? Finally our annoyed guide had us stop in the middle of Wisteria lane so someone could pee. So the guy runs back to the tram after he's done using one if the active/real houses on the lot. Then we see a mom holding the hand of her kid walking out to the house too. Really? They decide to go after the other person & not at the same time? So we were holding up all the trams, and had to leave them behind. Very annoyed.
Then we saw new buildings, castle like, on the backlot set. That was cool. The guide said he couldn't say what movie it was but he hinted the next Pirates of the Caribbean movie. Neat.
So out of our whole tram experiences, this was most definitely the most odd and interesting. Never seen any of the 3 things above happen before, and they all happen on the same tour. Go figure.
It's just neat to see what people give away and find some great deals on usable items. We saw a very nice but slightly scratched up black acoustic guitar for $10. We almost got it. I like to buy single fancy crystal drink glasses without pairs. Part of me likes the idea of adopting a lonely glass & so my guests, if we ever have any, have their very own unique wine or drink glass not to be mixed up with all the others. We've bought good condition clothes with some of my best & favorite pieces are from thrift stores.
We also feel it's a bit like recycling and being good to the planet if we buy used. The deals are usually exceptional, but it's harder to find quality items.
Anyway Sherman Way in the San Fernando Valley CA has some great antique stores, thrift shops & specialty item stores we really enjoyed walking through. Chinatown LA is fun for atmosphere & food. Farmer's Markets & Festivals ate especially cool for crafts & art items. So once in awhile, get outside the mall, and visit the gritty thrift store to find something truly unique.
Originally I planned to go in 2006 for my 25th birthday. We were planning out the dates & getting ready to book hotels, when Katrina hit. Instead of New Orleans I went to the Grand Canyon and had a good time.
Now in 2011 I turn 30, and even with the oil spill in the background, nothing is going to stop me from going. Been doing a lot of research, reading up mostly and watching shows & movies centering around New Orleans. The more I delve, the more I am falling in love.
Perhaps part of my affection for the place doesn't necessarily have to do with the food, music & architecture, but more to do with it's spirit. It's a little gritty, dark, roguish, colorful, fun-loving, artistic, lively and soulful. Most of all, it's recovering with a fighting spirit.
We've all been beat down in our lives, especially now with the recession. Personally we've been laid off, working menial jobs, had our bodies and our spirits broken more than usual these past few years. I feel like I've taken a pretty rough beating, and in some ways I still feel broken. But we go on and we try to live with passion and soul.
I feel akin to New Orleans in that struggle, to regain what was lost, although its not really possible. Sometimes I feel like we must just stay true to ourselves and bear the scar and carry on. It can be so hard to forget the glory and ease of the past. It's difficult to have hope, but life evolves through struggles and we must remake ourselves into something better then our former selves.
It's a little much I know, but I feel like I need to go and see this place which has captured my imagination and soul.