Thursday, June 24, 2010


All my life, I traveled a lot. I switched between parents and they both moved and lived in different places quite frequently. For a long time now, I've sort of felt like a nomad. But, I could easily say that the past 2 years have been the most tumultuous, crazy, stressful and bumpy of my life. I left a prestigious, well paying, highly stressful job for a personal sabbatical of traveling and reflection in 2007. 2007 and 2008 were filled with adventures and mis-adventures throughout California, Asia and Europe. Reconnected with family and tried to re-prioritize what was really important. 2008-2009 There were job/career issues (still are), and a move back home with relatives because of the economy. In 2009 there was a sickness, a death and my own major medical emergency and surgery - the worst moment of my life so far. Along with this, we had an engagement and a wedding to plan and execute. Early 2010 we were focusing on buying a home, a small condo, but a place to finally call our own.

Now, mid 2010, moved into our new home and somewhat recovering from 2009, slowly feeling more like myself again, I finally feel like I can get back to normal - pre-2007 - but with all the wisdom and experience. I'm feeling more like myself day by day. We're out of our parents' homes, we're on our own, we're not making much money, but we're learning to live with less and slowly trying to build our own lives.

All of this made me think of, how important it was to have a place to grow. People, like plants, need a place to establish themselves. Somewhere rooted from which to climb toward the light. I've been feeling more rooted lately, a nice change. The beginnings were rough. Oh, but this could be the start of something good, don't you agree?

Follow Through - Gavin DeGraw
Oh, this is the start of something good
Don't you agree?
I haven't felt like this in so many moons
You know what I mean?
And we can build through this destruction
As we are standing on our feet

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