I've been thinking about getting a new device for awhile. Part of me wonders if the stress from work/school is fueling this insatiable will to buy something. I've been stress eating the past week or two - notice no sunday health post. I also think this might be shopping therapy. For awhile I wanted to get an e-reader, the Nook. I played with the color and e-ink versions in the store, and to my surprise, very much preferred the e-ink version. Didn't get it, but still it's on my mind somewhat.
Then I got to thinking about getting a netbook. They installed work spyware on our computers to see how much we browse/surf. I've been so busy at work that I haven't had much time to browse anyway. Mainly I don't like the big brother feel, but if I want to do personal emailing, blogging, research or learning, I don't feel comfortable anymore doing it at the work computer.
So we went to Frys. I loved the macbook air 11 inch, so we've been to the apple store twice so far. One day I was convinced I loved the air and would get it. Then next time I liked the iPad better. Decisions decisions.
So anyway, overall it looks like the netbook is winning. Overall functionality better for school/life. Also, I've sorta been in love with netbooks since I saw someone with it quite a few years back, and loved the idea that it fit in her purse if she wanted to bring it with her - especially for work, but for me more for fun :)
I still think of getting an e-reader. Part of me knows this is shopping therapy, but part of me also knows I've been wanting a new laptop for awhile. My current laptop gets hot, heavy, and slow. I'm not terribly patient, and the few times I've taken it to the library or on trips, I find it heavy and a nuisance.
Anyway I just want one, real bad. Husband says sleep on it and wait. I wait a lot, and the feeling often passes, but how great it is it to buy something you really want when you want it and it can be really useful? Considering that, a trip only lasts a week, but a laptop can last a few years. I calculated that my last laptop costing about 1k, in use for 4 years, has cost me $20 a month since I owned it and is reducing its price the longer I use it, you know?
Of course, now I have no trouble on this laptop, and I'm typing now with no issues. Could keep it and be fine. Still... we'll see how I feel.
Part of me uses school as an excuse, like I need to keep up to date with everything to stay clued-in and knowledgeable. We shall see....